Premier Cultural Anchor: We Work Together I have had a roundabout life. I was born in Oakland, California, but as a child moved back to Kenya, where my parents are from. I then lived in Germany, Belgium, and then back to Kenya before moving to North Carolina in 2000. My background was in public health,…
Expertise: Other 51 results
Managing clinical trials requires extensive planning of patient enrollment. Clinical trials may be more cost-effective with better forecasts of recruitment. A variety of circumstances influence the enrollment of subjects. Several factors to consider, including the rarity of the condition being examined, the capacity of the trial sites to recruit participants, and the degree of study…
Premier Cultural Anchor: We Work Together I started studying biotechnology at Warsaw University of Technology. I was focused on the development of active compounds for drugs; I liked thinking about the underlying relationship of compounds and how you could imagine new opportunities to help people, to develop medicines. That curiosity led me to decide to…
Typically, when people talk about a full-service contract research organization (CRO) they mean a group that handles every aspect of a clinical study, supplying the personnel, the systems, and the processes. The sponsor is spared all operational involvement with the full-service model, simply receiving key information at specified intervals. This model works very well for…
Industry wide, the past two years have seen rapid changes in the approach to clinical data management. To some extent, this is the natural result of working through a pandemic, where remote collaboration and efficiency are at a premium. Yet the seeds of change were planted far earlier, with artificial intelligence, data visualization, and other…
At its core, the success of any clinical trial rests on clean, conclusive data. This creates challenges. Throughout a trial, the data must be properly aggregated, scrubbed, analyzed, acted on—and all those steps must be recorded, to assure regulatory authorities of their accuracy. As the industry continues to evolve, new solutions to these challenges have…
Premier Cultural Anchor: We Stay Agile “We have a great team that supports each other even during very hard times, such as Covid-19, and, most importantly, deeply cares about the patients that we are helping. It really makes me wake up with enthusiasm every day.” In the fall of 2015, dressed in my best suit,…
Premier Cultural Anchor: We Aim High “I am always chasing new experiences, new ways to develop, new roles, and all my managers at Premier Research have been really accommodating and supportive.” I started my career doing lab work, a common choice for a lot of biologists. I was working on cutting-edge stuff, but once I…
Premier Cultural Anchor: We Work Together “Premier really is different from other CROs; it’s truly a company that cares about its people, that really wants to do what’s right for them.” I was at Premier for almost 15 years when I decided I needed a change. So, I took another job — and almost immediately…
Premier Cultural Anchor: We Care “Feeling appreciated is important to me, and I value the honest feedback which has helped me to grow, understand, and perform my work better.” I applied to become Project Coordinator at the urging of one of my colleagues, even though I wasn’t entirely sure what the job entailed. I got…