Our Code of Conduct Commitment
We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and to operating in compliance with the laws that apply to our business. We are committed to doing the right thing at all times – to conducting business honestly and ethically.
Here are examples of how we pursue a culture of integrity and professionalism and a commitment to delivering superior results to our customers:
Conflicts of Interest
Premier Research is engaged in a variety of activities whose common goal is to promote the best interest of our clients, patients, and the company. Our Code of Conduct emphasizes the importance of positive, ethical behavior on the part of employees, sites, vendors, patients, and all other parties to avoid the potential for conflicts of interest and to effectively address any such conflicts.
Honest and Ethical Conduct and Fair Dealing
Employees, officers, and directors are to deal honestly, ethically, and fairly with Premier Research’s suppliers, customers, competitors, and employees. They must truthfully represent Premier Research’s products and services and avoid engaging in anticompetitive or unfair-dealing practices.
Diversity and Inclusion
We are committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity and inclusion.
Our human capital is the most valuable asset we have. The collective sum of the individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, innovation, self-expression, unique capabilities, and talent that our employees invest in their work represents a significant part of not only our culture but our reputation and company’s achievement as well.
We embrace and encourage our employees’ differences in age, color, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and other characteristics that make our employees unique.
Our ongoing development of a work environment is built on the premise of gender and diversity equity that encourages and enforces:
- Respectful communication and cooperation between all employees.
- Teamwork and employee participation, permitting the representation of all groups and employee perspectives.
- Work/life balance through flexible work schedules to accommodate employees’ varying needs.
- Employer and employee contributions to the communities we serve to promote a greater understanding and respect for diversity.
Cliquez ici pour consulter l’Indice Français de L’égalité Femmes-hommes
Click here for the French Gender Equality Index (English)
Equal Opportunity
We provide equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, or any other classification protected by applicable law. We comply with all applicable human rights and employment legislation, and we do not discriminate in any aspect of employment, including recruiting, hiring, compensation, benefits, promotions, reductions in force, or terminations.
We are committed to providing a work environment in which all officers and employees are treated fairly and equitably, free of harassment and intimidation based on an individual’s race, creed, color, religious belief, gender, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, or on any other basis prohibited by statute.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Vendor Management Program drives improved quality of service with select vendor partners and offers a centralized vendor database that enables consistent data governance and vendor performance management, enhanced operational response, and integrated processes.
Our Commitment to Global Quality
Premier Research management ensures that the company’s policies are implemented and maintained throughout the organization. Management also reviews the company’s performance against contract commitments, objectives, and both internal and external standards on a continuous basis. It also is responsible for reviewing implementation of corrective and preventive action findings.
The company’s global head of Quality Assurance, Risk, and Compliance is responsible for ensuring regular audit and review of the Premier Research Quality Management System. Through independent audit and review, corrective and preventive action will be identified where needed to ensure continuous process improvement and the progressive elimination of defects within the system to foster a culture of proactive continuous improvement. Here are some examples of our global policies:
Privacy and Data Protection
We comply fully with applicable laws. Read More.
Global Risk Management
ICH E6 (R2) Guideline for Good Clinical Practice and ICH Q9 Guideline for Quality Risk Management are among the core principles that make up our Risk-Based Quality Management methodology.
France Gender Equality Index
Premier Research SARL – Index Egalite Professionelle – Periode de Refererence 2023
L’Index Égalité Hommes-Femmes a été conçu pour promouvoir l’égalité salariale entre les hommes et les femmes au sein des entreprises en France. Il mesure au sein des entités françaises l’écart de rémunération entre les genres et met en évidence les domaines nécessitant des améliorations. Toutes les entreprises en France comptant au moins 50 employés sont tenues de calculer et de publier leur Index chaque année, au plus tard le 1er mars.
Résultats pour 2023:
Indicateur 1 : Écart de rémunération entre les genres
- Score maximum : 40 points
- Score obtenu : 29 points
Indicateur 2 : Répartition des augmentations salariales individuelles selon le genre
- Score maximum : 35 points
- Score obtenu : 35 points
Indicateur 3 : Pourcentage de salariées ayant bénéficié d’une augmentation salariale après un congé maternité
- Score maximum : 15 points
- Score obtenu : 15 points
Indicateur 4 : Nombre de salariés du genre sous-représenté parmi les 10 plus hauts salaires
- Score maximum : 10 points
- Score obtenu : 5 points
L’Index Égalité Hommes-Femmes obtenu pour l’année 2023 est de 84/100.
Bien que ce score soit élevé, il reste en dessous du seuil de 85/100. Par conséquent, nous avons établi des objectifs d’amélioration pour les indicateurs où le score maximum n’a pas été atteint.
Objectifs de progression:
Dans la mesure où nous avons obtenu le score maximum pour les indicateurs 2 et 3, nous n’avons pas fixé d’objectifs d’amélioration. Des domaines d’amélioration ont été identifiés pour les indicateurs 1 et 4.
Indicateur 1 : Écart de rémunération entre les genres
Un écart en faveur des hommes a été identifié pour cet indicateur. Afin de réduire cet écart et de nous rapprocher du score maximum, nous évaluerons et traiterons en avril 2024, et si nécessaire à d’autres moments en 2024, tout écart salarial injustifié qui ne repose pas sur des critères objectifs et pertinents, afin de garantir une rémunération équitable pour un travail égal ou un travail de valeur égale entre les hommes et les femmes en France.
Indicateur 4 : Nombre de salariés du genre sous-représenté parmi les 10 plus hauts salaires
Les hommes sont sous-représentés parmi nos salariés les mieux rémunérés basés en France. Notre secteur d’activité compte une proportion élevée de femmes et actuellement, notre effectif est composé à 87% de femmes. Cependant, nous souhaitons encourager une plus grande diversité de genre au sein de notre organisation. Pour améliorer notre score pour cet indicateur et viser le score maximum de 10 points, nous renforcerons notre approche de la diversité lors des recrutements en essayant d’attirer et de faire passer des entretiens à davantage de candidats du genre sous-représenté.
France Gender Equality Index (English)
Premier Research SARL – Gender Equality Index – Reference Period 2023
The Gender Equality Index was designed to promote wage equality between men and women within companies operating in France. It measures the gender pay gap within the country and highlights areas that need improvement. All companies with at least 50 employees located in France are required to calculate and publish their Index each year, no later than March 1st.
Results for 2023:
Indicator 1: Gender Pay Gap
- Maximum score: 40 points
- Score obtained: 29 points
Indicator 2: Distribution of individual salary increases by gender
- Maximum score: 35 points
- Score obtained: 35 points
Indicator 3: Percentage of female employees who received a salary increase after maternity leave
- Maximum score: 15 points
- Score obtained: 15 points
Indicator 4: Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the top 10 highest salaries
- Maximum score: 10 points
- Score obtained: 5 points
The Gender Equality Index obtained for the year 2023 is 84/100.
Although this score is high, it remains below the threshold of 85/100. Therefore, we have established improvement objectives for the indicators where the maximum score was not achieved.
Progression objectives:
Since we obtained the maximum score for indicator 2 and 3, we have not set improvement objectives. Areas for improvement have been identified for indicators 1 and 4.
Indicator 1: Gender Pay Gap
A gap in favor of men has been identified for this indicator. To reduce this gap and move closer to the maximum score, we will assess and address any unjustified wage gaps that are not based on objective and relevant criteria in April 2024, and if necessary, at other times in 2024, to ensure fair compensation for equal work or work of equal value between men and women in France.
Indicator 4: Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the top 10 highest salaries
Men are underrepresented among the highest-paid France-based employees in our company. Our industry has a high proportion of women, and currently, our workforce is 87% female. However, we want to encourage greater gender diversity within our organization. To improve our score for this indicator and aim for the maximum score of 10 points, we will explore ways to attract and interview more candidates of the underrepresented gender.
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