White Paper
Medical Device

Understanding ISO 14155:2020 to Optimize Outcomes of Clinical Investigations of Medical Devices for Human Subjects

In today’s competitive landscape, device companies are facing increased demand for clinical evidence of product efficacy and safety. In addition to pressure from regulators prior to market approval, device companies must answer to other stakeholders, including:

  • Payers who are requiring more information to substantiate product value claims to approve reimbursement
  • Physicians and healthcare systems who are requesting more evidence to inform purchasing decisions
  • Patients who are asking for increased transparency into the development process

This increased scrutiny has prompted more device companies to perform clinical trials to meet regulatory requirements, differentiate their products, and position their products for earlier adoption and success in the market. Medical device trials must be designed to verify the performance characteristics defined by the manufacturer, determine undesirable side effects under normal conditions of use, and allow an informed assessment of the risk-to-benefit ratio in relation to the intended performance of the device. ISO 14155:2020 sets the international standard for good clinical practice in medical device trials, and a partner organization with a thorough understanding of these guidelines helps sponsors design and conduct studies that stand up to regulatory scrutiny.

In this white paper, we examine some best practices offered by partner organizations for the conduct of medical device clinical trials, the principles of which are defined in ISO 14155:2020.