Tag: blog 125 results

Clinical Development

Compensating for the Unknown: 3 Keys to Implementing a Successful Decentralized Clinical Trial

In a survey conducted by Informa Pharma Intelligence on behalf of Oracle Health Sciences, 76 percent of respondents indicated that the pandemic hastened their adoption of decentralized clinical trial (DCT) approaches. While the shift to DCTs is well underway, concerns remain around patient monitoring and engagement and data reliability and quality. In particular, nearly half…

Clinical Development

5 Key Takeaways: Insights on Alternative Designs to the Traditional 3+3 Design in Phase 1 Dose Escalation Studies

Traditionally, Phase 1 trials commonly utilize 3+3 designs to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D). Studies have shown, however, that two out of three trials employing a 3+3 design failed in identifying the MTD, and better approaches are needed.1 During Premier Research’s recent webinar Alternative Designs to the…


Key Changes in the Revised EMA Guidance on Clinical Trials During COVID

In February, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) released the fourth version of its Guidance on the Management of Clinical Trials During the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic. As the pandemic continues to impact clinical research worldwide, these updated guidelines reflect the EMA’s evolving stance, clarifying questions raised by previous versions and taking into account the most recent…

Clinical Development

Rethinking Data Quality Best Practices in the Era of Decentralized Clinical Trials

Pandemic-related disruptions have accelerated much-needed change in clinical operations, but this change has been accompanied by questions about data collection and data quality. In a recent survey commissioned by Oracle Health Sciences, more than 75 percent of industry respondents indicated that limitations in patients’ ability to attend on-site visits sped up their adoption of decentralized…

Clinical Development

The First Step for Streamlined CMC Development: Optimize the Target Product Profile

The ultimate goal of any drug development program is to obtain regulatory approval with the desired prescribing information. Beyond that, developers hope to obtain this approval in the shortest amount of time and with the most efficient use of resources. In an article published in Trends in Biotechnology,1 researchers found that the approved drugs and…