Perspectives Blog


Our Commitment to Time Off to Recharge


Premier Research exists for one reason: To transform life-changing ideas and breakthrough science into new medical treatments. We care about improving human health and that starts with the health and wellbeing of our own team members, not only by offering competitive healthcare benefits but insisting on true work-life balance. Supporting time off is a key component of how we can successfully get things done as a team.

In any rapid-fire industry—and clinical research and consulting certainly qualifies—there is always a deadline looming. More reports to file. More emails to answer. More boxes to check. Striving to match the traditional definition of a “good” employee may feel like racing around a hamster wheel.

Not at Premier Research.

Yes, the work here is fast-paced. We’re helping innovative biotechnology and MedTech companies change the course of healthcare—and this life-saving work is urgent. But, as a research company, we pay careful attention to what the science says. And in this case, the science is unequivocal: People’s brains need a break. Downtime—time off from work—reduces stress, lowering cortisol and boosting brainpower. Research shows that taking time to focus and recharge results in:

  • Improved morale and attitude
  • Improved resiliency
  • Reduced burnout
  • Increased productivity and engagement
  • Reduced sense of isolation and loneliness
  • Improved physical health

In short: time off is essential to wellbeing. That is why Premier managers work with their teams to balance their work and find time away. In fact, employees often comment that their managers are the ones encouraging them to take time away from work, even when the employee doesn’t recognize that they may need it.

Our Philosophy

You have time off so that you can do and feel your best when you are at work. We support team members in taking the time they need, and trust that teams will work together to complete necessary deliverables. In fact, “We Work Together” is one of our Values. Our ability to share responsibilities and work seamlessly as a team is key to helping us aim high and reach our ambitious goals. Each team member in partnership with their manager and colleagues makes sure tasks are covered so that our life-saving work continues while personal time is used to do both what you want to do and what you need to do.

People often think of time off in terms of travel—whether it’s a big trip to explore distant lands, hike in a national park, go to the beach, or visit family. And we have team members that regularly enjoy vacations away from home, and we support that. Yet, we like to remind our team members that time off can be used for more than elaborate trips. We encourage days off to cover personal responsibilities, such as doctor appointments, and personal leisure, like a much-needed day spent just watching tv at home. At Premier, we believe these are all essential to your wellbeing—and that your wellbeing is essential to our success.

If you have additional questions about our time off or other benefits at Premier Research, connect with one of our Talent Partners on LinkedIn.