Expertise: Pediatrics 20 results

Rare Disease

Neonatal Research Insights: Conducting Clinical Trials in the Smallest Patients

Despite the passage of various legislative initiatives aimed at increasing the frequency and quality of pediatric clinical trials, neonates continue to be treated with medicines that have not been studied or approved in this population.1 Historically, sponsors may have felt that the ethical and logistical challenges limited the opportunities for neonatal research. Our experience has…

Oncology & Hematology

iPSP Considerations for Molecularly Targeted Cancer Drugs

With the passage of the Pediatric Research Equity Act (PREA) of 2003, drug manufacturers were required to submit an initial pediatric study plan (iPSP) prior to commencement of Phase 3 studies (or new drug application [NDA]/biologics license application [BLA] submission in the absence of a Phase 3 study) for studies involving a new active ingredient,…

Oncology & Hematology

5 Things to Know About the FDA RACE for Children Act

The Research to Accelerate Cures and Equity (RACE) for Children Act aims to improve and expand treatment options for pediatric cancer patients by mandating that all new adult oncology drugs also be tested in children when the molecular targets are relevant to a particular childhood cancer. Enacted August 18, 2017, as part of the Food…

Oncology & Hematology

Considerations for Operationalizing Pediatric Oncology Studies

Remarkable progress has been made in our understanding of the genomics of pediatric cancers, and these advancements have led to the recognition that products being studied for use in adult cancer indications may have health benefits for pediatric patients. By closing the orphan drug exemption loophole and enabling earlier discussions with the FDA, the Research…

Oncology & Hematology

Understanding Recent Regulatory Changes for Pediatric Oncology Trials

Of the 1.7 million new cases of cancer in the U.S. in 2018, 10,590 involved children aged 14 or younger.[1] While children typically have a better cure rate for cancer, biopharma companies have traditionally shied away from pediatric oncology trials, resulting in fewer treatment options. However, the regulatory landscape is evolving, and the demand for…