Premier Research


10 Tips to Prepare for Your New Role at Premier Research

Congratulations! You’ve taken on a new job at Premier Research. This is an exciting step in your career—but you may also be a little nervous. That’s understandable. As many as 1 in 3 people would avoid change if they could and contemplating a whole new work setting—new people, new responsibilities, new processes—may only compound that…


6 Reasons to be a Premier Research Clinical Lead

We spoke with some Clinical Leads to answer the question: “Why Premier Research?” Here’s what we heard. Premier Research often promotes from within. “Keep growing” is one of our Core Behaviors, so management proactively supports career ambitions, making sure people gain the breadth of experiences they need to move into the next role. One key…


Our Commitment to Time Off to Recharge

Premier Research exists for one reason: To transform life-changing ideas and breakthrough science into new medical treatments. We care about improving human health and that starts with the health and wellbeing of our own team members, not only by offering competitive healthcare benefits but insisting on true work-life balance. Supporting time off is a key…


9 Tips for Acing an Interview with Premier Research

You found an exciting role at Premier Research and have scheduled an interview. Amazing! Now you need to make a good first impression. It’s natural to be a little nervous, but you are up to the challenge. These 9 tips based on our experience interviewing hundreds of candidates may help you prepare. Preparing for the…

Medical Device

5 Stages of Medical Device Development

Medical device development must address some unique challenges that have grown over the last decade due to increasing medical device complexity, a more complex regulatory framework catching up with the industry, and an established and variable standard clinical practice to compete with: These factors have a major impact on the medical device development cycle, which…

Rare Disease

Why Rare Disease Day Matters to Us

An estimated 300 million people globally suffer from a rare disease. Further still, 25 million people in the U.S. alone are living with an undiagnosed rare disease. Limitations in disease understanding and lack of approved treatments can mean countless challenges and diminished quality of life for many battling a rare disease. For all those looking…


A World Cancer Day Message from the People of Premier

“You have cancer.” It’s something you hope to never hear. For so many of us at Premier Research, we’ve watched loved ones fight for their lives — or fought for our own. That’s why we choose to work at Premier, where our focus is bringing new treatments to patients so that we can help make…

Oncology & Hematology

Operationalizing Biomarker-Guided Oncology Trials: Planning for Success

Advances in genomic and proteomic technologies have led to the identification of numerous biomarkers with potential clinical utility in oncology, including gene mutations, gene amplifications, gene expression signatures, and altered proteins. To date, more than 1,500 potential oncology biomarkers have been identified in the preclinical setting. Among these, approximately half are being studied in active…