Perspectives Blog


9 Tips for Acing an Interview with Premier Research


You found an exciting role at Premier Research and have scheduled an interview. Amazing! Now you need to make a good first impression. It’s natural to be a little nervous, but you are up to the challenge. These 9 tips based on our experience interviewing hundreds of candidates may help you prepare.

Preparing for the Interview

  • Do your research. You should have a complete view of the services we offer, the therapeutic areas we specialize in, and the company history and culture—in short, everything you can find by studying our website, our press releases, our blogs, and our social media. If you’re able, connect with current or past employees to gain additional insights (see if anyone in your social networks works or has worked for Premier). Study the job description carefully and come prepared with questions that the description doesn’t cover. Bonus points for also researching your interviewer to understand their job experience and find possible common interests.
  • Know your strengths. Be able to speak fluently about your work history, your key accomplishments, and your core competencies. Have examples that clearly illustrate your points—and give some thought to how to tie these examples to the prospective job and Premier Research’s culture. Our Values drive the way we work together—think about opportunities where you can show that you Aim High, Work Together, Stay Agile, Get it Done, and Care.
  • Practice. Study commonly asked interview questions and think through your answers. Consider ways that you can weave in language that mirrors the organization’s Culture and Values. Then ask a friend to role play the interview with you. The more often you respond to the questions, the more fluid your responses will be—which has the added benefit of making you more comfortable during the interview itself. 
  • Look professional. Especially if the interview is virtual, it can be tempting to think it doesn’t matter what you are wearing. But remember, this is like a first date, and you want to make a good impression. And don’t just wear a nice shirt or top; you risk embarrassment if you have to get up during the interview and reveal that you are still in your pajama bottoms.

    BONUS TIP: If you have a virtual interview, test your audio and video in advance, blur your background if it is not professional, silence your phone and ask anyone else in the house not to disturb you. You want your interviewer to focus on you and vice-versa.

During the Interview

  • Be fully present. Smile, maintain eye contact, try not to fidget, and listen carefully. Some people “over-talk” when they are nervous. If you are one of them, be extra-aware, and always wait for the interviewer to finish speaking before you launch into an answer. That will also help you answer the question being asked, as opposed to the one you think is being asked.
  • Respond specifically. Focus on what the interviewer is saying and asking, and respond appropriately, drawing on the answers you rehearsed in advance. Be explicit about the aspects of the job that interest you, and how your skills and experiences have prepared you for it.
  • Ask thoughtful questions. Because you have done your homework in advance, you may feel that you have nothing else to ask. Instead, use your knowledge as a launching point, asking for more information about an aspect of the job or the company that you find intriguing.
  • Stay positive. Complaining about past jobs, employers, or co-workers is a red flag. You can couch a response to “what didn’t work” in a way that still leaves everyone in a good light.

After the Interview

  •  Send a thank you note. You don’t have to write volumes but do let each person with whom you spoke know how much you appreciated their time and their insights. Reiterate your interest in the job, offering one or two specific reasons why you feel it is a good fit for you, and you are a good fit for Premier Research.

If you have additional questions about our interview process, connect with the Talent Partner that scheduled your interview.