Analgesia Clinical Trial Experience
Experience in just about every type of pain and major class of analgesics, including every NSAID analgesic on the market today. Leverage our experience as you tackle the most innovative areas of analgesia research.
We’re known for analgesia
Laying the foundation for modern pain research
Much of the foundation for modern analgesia research was built here, and we have conducted more studies than any other CRO.
We have performed more than 870 trials across every type of pain–and many of the pain models that are today’s industry standards were invented here. We’ve conducted more than 175 trials in the last five years. With industry-leading access to patients, sites, and motivated investigators, we get trials running quickly.
Why Choose Premier
- Unequaled expertise in chronic and acute pain, spanning from disk disease to dental pain
- Extensive experience in fibromyalgia
- Postoperative bunionectomy model reduces patient recruitment time by up to 40 percent without sacrificing assay sensitivity
Agility and knowledge at your fingertips
How to Mitigate the Placebo Response in Analgesia Clinical Trials
The Great Debate: The Use of Placebo Control in Chronic Pain Studies
Ready to get started? So are we.
Drop us a line to learn more about how we can help.