Perspectives Blog

Clinical Development

Data at Your Fingertips: The Case for Centralized Monitoring


In the dynamic arena of clinical trials, optimizing efficiency, maintaining cost-effectiveness, and safeguarding the integrity of collected data are important considerations. Traditional onsite monitoring has long been the cornerstone of ensuring data accuracy and patient safety. However, as technology and data analytics advance, a more efficient and effective approach has emerged—centralized monitoring. In this blog, we highlight the evolution of central monitoring and outline its many advantages in clinical research.

Navigating the Centralized Monitoring Evolution

Centralized monitoring involves the remote evaluation of clinical trial data by qualified personnel such as clinical data analysts, sometimes called central monitors. It goes beyond the pursuit of perfect, error-free data and prioritizes the identification and resolution of significant errors that could jeopardize patient safety and trial integrity. Biostatisticians and medical monitors play an important role in defining critical data and critical process, which are key criteria for ensuring the successful implementation of a centralized monitoring strategy.

Central monitoring complements onsite monitoring, offering a cost-effective and efficient means to ensure data quality and mitigate risks to critical data and critical process. It plays a pivotal role in identifying systemic and site-specific issues, including protocol non-compliance and data reliability concerns, while also aiding in the selection of sites and processes for targeted monitoring.

Driving Real-World Adoption

Although centralized monitoring provides a superior data overview compared to the traditional source document review/source document verification (SDR/SDV) method, widespread adoption in the industry is still a work in progress. Results from a comprehensive survey conducted by the Association of Clinical Research Organizations in 2022, spanning four years and encompassing seven diverse clinical research organizations, revealed that there is significant potential for further expansion of centralized monitoring. Industry experts and trade organizations aim to achieve an adoption rate of 80 percent, aligning with their commitment to this transformative approach.

Mastering Timeliness in Central Monitoring

One of centralized monitoring’s key benefits is providing timely insights into trial data, reducing the need for onsite visits. This boosts efficiency, cuts costs, and improves data quality. Timely central monitoring enhances patient safety, detects errors early, and ensures cost-effective monitoring. It streamlines the process, offers real-time insights, global accessibility, and aids in risk mitigation and compliance. This approach optimizes resource allocation and adaptability, promoting safer, efficient, and cost-effective clinical trials, benefiting patients and research.

Securing Regulatory Compliance

A crucial goal of centralized monitoring is to maintain strict adherence to the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) guideline, specifically “E6(R3): Good Clinical Practice for Trials on Medicinal Products” or ICH E6(R3). In line with this guideline, the primary emphasis of monitoring is safeguarding patient rights, ensuring their safety, and upholding the trustworthiness of trial outcomes. Central monitoring assumes a pivotal role in accomplishing these objectives by enabling the prompt review of data and the identification and remediation of errors not easily detectable through traditional monitoring.

Trimming Onsite Monitoring Visits

A key goal of centralized monitoring is to decrease the extent and frequency of onsite monitoring visits. Clinical trial teams can realize considerable time, cost, and quality benefits by developing a strategic approach that uses central monitoring to supplement and reduce onsite monitoring while ensuring patient safety and trial integrity.

Identifying Sites Needing Attention

Centralized monitoring is a valuable tool for identifying sites requiring additional attention. Through targeted process evaluations and data reviews, teams can pinpoint areas in need of improvement and effectively implement a risk-based monitoring approach.

Overcoming the Fear Factor

Despite the potential benefits of centralized monitoring, uncertainty has held many in the industry back from embracing it fully. Clinical trial sponsors often worry that a mistake in data monitoring could lead to study rejection, causing significant setbacks. It is essential to emphasize that there is no evidence of studies being rejected due to a risk-based monitoring strategy. To harness innovation and efficiency, the industry must overcome this fear and embrace novel approaches.

A Pivotal Advancement in Clinical Trials

This evolution in clinical trial monitoring signifies a move towards practices that are more efficient, cost-effective, and markedly more reliable. Centralized monitoring not only stands out for its ability to enhance data accuracy and patient safety, but also provides real-time insights and global accessibility while ensuring improved adherence to regulatory standards. The overwhelming support for this method, as evidenced by industry surveys, firmly establishes the critical importance of adopting this progressive approach.

If you’re considering centralized monitoring for your next study, connect with us to learn more about our data-driven process. Together, we can usher in an era where centralized monitoring becomes the standard, driving the clinical research field forward with unparalleled efficiency and excellence.