
Statistical Considerations in the Wake of COVID-19

April 30, 2020


Abie Ekangaki, Ph.D.

Vice President Statistical Consulting

Shari Medendorp, MPH

President Premier Consulting

COVID-19 has dramatically changed the way we conduct clinical trials and left many sponsors without answers when it comes to the future of their studies. Recognizing the issues is one thing, but figuring out where we go from here demands a new way of looking at some common challenges. In this episode, Premier Research’s Shari Medendorp, Senior Vice President of Biometrics, and Abie Ekangaki, Vice President of Statistical Consulting, join us to discuss:

  • Challenges sponsors see as a result of this crisis
  • The impact those challenges are having on trial procedures
  • How modifications to the statistical analysis plan can point a path forward

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