Tag: strategic partnerships


The 3 Ds of a Successful Strategic Sponsor-CRO Partnership

Want to know how to build strong strategic sponsor-CRO partnerships? Commit to the three Ds: Start with a dialogue that establishes the project’s direction, ultimately making a difference in the relationship. In these relationships, a CRO must bring to the table the supplemental expertise a sponsor doesn’t know they don’t have, but needs for success. 1. Foster a Dialogue Bidirectional communication is probably the...


6 Tips for Strategic CRO-Sponsor Partnerships (And Why They’re Important)

Strategic partnerships between sponsors and CROs are an important part of today’s clinical research landscape. When managed effectively, these relationships provide customers with collaborative strategic resources that drive optimized solutions. Partnerships help ensure the continuity of project teams and operations, development of best practices for continuous learning, and streamlined resource planning and staffing. They can also provide...